Home Chess Opinion pieces Kenyans love their Potatoes & Eggs!

Kenyans love their Potatoes & Eggs!


This week I got the following email from the League of Young Professionals Kenya.  I am not sure how they got my email but that does not matter.  They are having a Sports day this weekend which is great for Kenyans to enjoy themselves…………but I am concerned.  Seriously concerned.

Events like Potato Race, Egg Race have taken preference over my beloved game of chess which does not even feature??!!!

I think it is time they got an email from me!

Those of you who will attend this event I would love to hear from you….

The League of Young Professionals Kenya cordially invites you for the Annual Sports Day to be held this coming Saturday, 1st of October atRailways Sports Ground, Nairobi as from 10:00am to 4.00pm.

Come test your physical endurance and body fitness, have fun and win prizes by participating in an array of sports for the day.  This includes athletics 100m, 200m, 400, 800m, 1500m, Soccer Matches 5-Aside, Volleyball, Tyre Race, Potato Race, Egg Race And Skipping Ropes.