Home Chess Tournaments 2011 Mombasa Open Chess Tournament is on!!

2011 Mombasa Open Chess Tournament is on!!


2011 Mombasa Open Chess Tournament is on!!

The 2011 Mombasa Open Chess Tournament is all scheduled to start on 8th October 2011 at the Wildwater Resorts which is on the North Coast.

Did I hear you ask me what time the event is starting? Well nobody knows!! I am serious – this is the only chess event in the world that the start time has not yet been stated.

Prize fund – no idea once again. I am serious there is no information on the prize fund as well. I guess again this must be the only chess event in the world where the prize fund has not yet been announced.

I hear you ask – Is anybody going for this event? Of course. I expect at least 40 players will turn up for the event. I know at three Ugandans are on their way. I know one Kenyan bank has also sponsored a team to go for the event.

Why do they do it ie go for an event when details are unknown. Well I guess it is because having a chess event in Mombasa is almost as rare as finding a pair of rhinos mating under a tree!!

I have just called my friend who is now boarding the bus and will leave shortly. He has promised to keep me updated and you can be sure that I will up you guys and gals as well posted.

I am not going for the event as I am traveling with the family next week and will keep you guys updated on new developments in Kenyan chess. There is a lot going on but more on that later…………


More info on the 2011 Mombasa Open Chess Tournament.