Home Chess Opinion pieces Diwali week

Diwali week


This week was Diwali so of course we were busy with visiting and meeting friends.

On the chess front nothing much to report even though I find that at least 6 hours are spent doing chess things. Reviewed the Chess Club accounts to make sure that it was ready to go to the auditors. Reviewed the Chairman’s report to ensure that I have captured all the relevant stories. Letter done to Kenyatta University inviting them for a chess tournament we are organising next week, phone calls from my mates Bob and Paul in Kisumu who want to host the Kisumu Open. I have told them that they need to get in touch with the Kisumu Chess Branch (story covered earlier) and organise it together. My advice – get an event set up. Players from Nairobi will travel to Kisumu for the event.

Then meeting again on Saturday to discuss chess plans for next week. We want to bring another Chess Grandmaster to Kenya next year.