Home Chess book Great Games by Chess Prodigies

Great Games by Chess Prodigies


Great Games by Chess Prodigies

Great Games by Chess Prodigies by Fred Reinfeld was the first chess book that I owned.  The first chess book will always have a special place in the heart of chess players.

Cover of the book Great Games by Chess Prodigies by Fred Reinfeld.
Cover of the book Great Games by Chess Prodigies by Fred Reinfeld.

I think I got this book in 1975 and occupies a special place in my bookshelf!

Sadler’s Book Shop‘ on Moi Avenue (Government Road) was the shop that I bought the book from.

The explanations are not too detailed and hence easy to go through and enjoy.  I recently decided to go through it once again and enjoy the book.

The 246 page book has games from Morphy, Capablanca, Reshevsky and Fischer.

My copy of this book had a checkered history.  I once lent it to my friend and when he returned it – I almost freaked out.  He had taken a blue biro pen and ticked each move as he played the games!!  If that was not enough, he then went ahead to translate some of the difficult words into Urdu!.  Well that was the last book that I lent him any of my chess books!!


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