Home Chess News The 2012 Kenya Open!

The 2012 Kenya Open!


The 2012 Kenya Open!

Finally after what seemed like Eternity – the ever popular Kenya Open is on schedule this coming weekend at Kenyatta  University.  I will not be there unfortunately as I will be heading off for the ‘Rhino Charge‘ this weekend.  I will try to put some photos from this event when I manage to get them.

14 year old Richard Polaczek getting his prize from MG Sharma - then Supremo of Kenya Chess Association. The 2012 Kenya Open.
14 year old Richard Polaczek getting his prize from MG Sharma – then Supremo of Kenya Chess Association

The first Kenya Open was held in 1979 and that edition was won by 14 year old wonder boy – Richard Polaczek of Belgium.  I have enclosed a photo of that special moment.

Richard currently is an IM and plays for Belgium.

Prize fund & sponsors

With the top prize fund being KShs 30,000 you can expect a horde of Ugandan chess players who will brighten up the event.

My good buddy and long time chess supporter Rodgers Adai has sponsored partly sponsored the event to the tune of KShs 20,000. More on Rodgers Adai later.

Invitational letter from Chess Kenya

I have enclosed the letter from Chess Kenya with the details.

Dear Chess Friends,

Chess Kenya is pleased to invite your to participate in the upcoming  Kenya Open Chess Championships  scheduled to be held from Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd  June 2012 at Kenyatta University Main Campus along Thika Road, Nairobi .

This event will also act as the first (of three) phase Olympiad Qualifier to select the Kenya team to represent the country in the 40th Chess Olympiad to be held in Istanbul, Turkey between 27th August – 10th September, 2012.

The following is a breakdown of the prizes that will be awarded :

·         Open Section:   Winner – Ksh30,000; 2nd – Ksh15,000; 3rd – Ksh10,000; 4th Ksh5,000
·         Ladies Section: Winner – Ksh 15,000; 2nd –Ksh 7,500; 3rd – Ksh 5,000
·         Debutants/ Junior Special prize:  Ksh5,000
·         Trophies will be given for each category.

The top twenty-four (24) players from both Ladies and Men sections will proceed to the subsequent qualifier stages as follows:

·         Phase 2: June 9-10 – Shortlist 10 players in each section
·         Phase 3: June 22-24 – Shortlist 5 players in each section

The participation fee will be Kshs1,000 per player and US$20 (Ksh1700) for foreign players. Registration is to be made before 1700Hrs Monday 28th May. Payments made afterward will attract a Ksh200 late registration fee. Registration closes at 1000Hrs on June 1st 2012, entries after Rd1 pairing will miss Round 1.

Payments can be made in the following ways:

·         Cash  – Paid Directly to the Kenya Open Tournament Organizer  Githinji Hinga (undersigned)
·         MPesa –  Tel. 0722452458 (Githinji Hinga) Kshs 1,025 inclusive of withdrawal fee . Remember to indicate name of participant registering via SMS/ Call.
·         Cheque – payable to – CHESS KENYA
·         A receipt will be issued by the tournament organizer

We sincerely apologise for the lateness of this notification. In this regard we strongly urge you to pass this information widely to make this event a success.  We wish to thank you for your continued support of Chess activities. We look forward to your participation.

Kind Regards


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