Home Chess Tournaments Mombasa Chess Club Hosts Their Annual Mombasa Open

Mombasa Chess Club Hosts Their Annual Mombasa Open

Mombasa Open Poster

Mombasa Chess Club moved a notch higher this month when they hosted a fantastic 2012 Mombasa Open that attracted a total of 87 players.  Chess players love Mombasa as one can see from the huge turnout.  The  promoters of Mombasa Chess Club are Chairman Dr Philip Mwashe and  Secretary Andrew Syangabo.  A huge number of players travel as they get sponsored for the event.  Most of the big boys were present – Ben Magana, John Mukabi, Nathan Ateka etc

The winner was Brian Kidula (who  was Kenya Chess Association Secretary many years ago and who was the Kenya Captain to the Istanbul Olympiad.)

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I bring you the photo of the winner Brian (rumours had it that he has been training with Mehul Gohil).  Rather than show you an ordinary photo of Brian receiving his trophy I thought it would be better to show you one where he is standing with the God of Chess taken at the Istanbul Chess Olympiad!

From left John Mukabi, Brian Kidula, God of Chess, Githinji Hinga