Home Chess News Chess and Art at the German School Nairobi

Chess and Art at the German School Nairobi


I strolled into the Art Room at the German School, Nairobi about two weeks ago to have a look at their Art Exhibition.  There were numerous paintings, drawings and art pieces on display.

The beautiful mural which depicts the school with it multicultural student population and connection to Kenya.

Imagine my surprise when I walked into one of the rooms to find myself in front of number of art pieces involving chess!

I have enclosed photos from the exhibition to show you what the children did.  It is always a delight to see kids involved with art and then combined with chess!

Translation is “Bride & Groom”

img_2613-minimg_2612-minThe interesting thing about the German School is that they hosted a fantastic event about 18 months ago and the story was covered on this website – German School host chess tournament.

A Knight with wings?

img_2609-min There were other drawings as well that involved chess.

img_2614-min img_2615-min img_2617-min img_2619-min img_2616-minThe talent exhibited by these kids extended through the different genre of art as shown below.

Connect the word with art!
Tribute to the late Nelson Mandela

The German School have a hugely popular multilingual kindergarten and schooling up to the Arbitur Level (A Levels).  The medium of instruction in the Primary & Secondary School is in German and a number of Kenyan children attend this school.  The school also has a scholarship program that takes children from non German backgrounds in grade 4 and successfully integrates them into the German School.

For further details on the school you can visit their website German School Nairobi.