I was very fortunate to spend some time at the 2016 Baku Olympiad as part of the Press.This gave me full access to the fantastic and spacious Press Centre where I got chance to interact with many key personalities who work behind the scenes to bring us chess reports and photographs.

There were a number of colourful and interesting characters from all over the world!

My new friends now include Andreas Kontokanis from Greece whose fluency in Russian proved very useful when dealing with the obstinate security personnel at the Olympiad Hall.

The Press Centre was busy in the late afternoons and evenings when various players and team managers would be interviewed.

I was also fortunate to get chance to meet the legendary GM Eugene Torre from Philippines who was playing in his 23rd Olympiad!

I was also very happy to meet up with David Llada who has very generously allowed this website to carry many of his photos over the past 2 years or so.

I guess at times a cartoon illustrates a point in a better way!