Home Chess News Peter Gilruth – trip to Las Vegas!

Peter Gilruth – trip to Las Vegas!


Peter Gilruth – trip to Las Vegas!

Kenya’s highest rated player Peter Gilruth was in action at the National Open which took place earlier this year in the city of Las Vegas, USA.

Kenya’s strongest player Peter Gilruth in action during the 58th Nairobi Chess Club Championship held in August 2016.

Peter scored an impressive 4.5 points out of 6 rounds to end up in joint 3rd position and 9th in standing out of 94 players.  He went home with USD 319 (KES 31,900).

Peter has annotated one his wins against Vladislav Yanovsky who is rated 2243.  A game of fluctuating fortunes which proves that one must fight to the bitter end.


Extract of the final standing for the U2300 section. The 2017 edition of this event is set for 16th to 18th June 2017 and those who wish to take part should visit –Las Vegas Chess Festival.


Think Like a Super-GM Article by Kenya Chess Masala.