Home Chess News Kenya National Youth & Cadets Chess Championship – Kisumu Region

Kenya National Youth & Cadets Chess Championship – Kisumu Region


The Kenya Nationals Youths and Cadets Chess Championship – Kisumu Region Qualifiers took place on 25th February 2017, at Kisumu Boys High School.  Kisumu High School is known for producing some of Kenya’s finest hockey players over the year.  You can read more on that story here – Kisumu Boys and the history of hockey.

Sign board of Kisumu Boys School.

A total of 91 players from the following schools took part;  Kisumu Boys High School, St. Mary’s Yala School, Makini School, Jalaram Academy, & Citam School.

Part of the action.

Those who qualified

Under 18 Boys
1. Brandon Otieno YALA 6
2. Erick Odhiambo  KB 5
3.  Shuaib Ishmael KB 4
4. Samuel Mwakio KB 4

Under 16 Boys
1. Fredrick Ouma YALA 5
2. Victor Otieno KB 5
3.  Kevin Mudenge YALA 4
4. Rigbhasmon Omondi KB 4

Under 14 Boys
1. John Kennedy KB 6
2. Willsmith Otieno KB 5
3. Manan Ravat JALARAM 4
4. Brian Onyango KB 3

Playing hall.

These players will now take part in the finals which has been set for Nairobi on 18th-19th  March 2017.

A happy prize winner Brandon Otieno (middle) from St. Mary Yala receives his prize from Mr Ondoro (right) while Nick from St Mary Yala (left) looks on.

The tournament was part of the 2017 Chess Kenya National Youth Team selection process from which Chess Kenya will select the National Junior Team players to represent Kenya in the following international chess tournaments:

a) – Zone 4.2 Under 16 Youth Team Championships to be held 15th -23rd April 2017 in Mombasa, Kenya.

b) – World Cadet Chess Championships (WCCC) for U-8, U-10, U-12) to be held 21th -31st August 2017 in Brasilia, Brazil.

c) – World Youth Chess Championships (WYCC) for U-14, U-16, U-18 to be held 16th -26th September 2017 in Montevideo, Uruguay.

d) – African Youth Chess Championships (AYCC all age groups) to held 1st-10th December 2017 in Giza, Egypt.

More information on Kisumu Boys High School can be found on their website – Kisumu Boys High School.