Remember the buzz word “Chess Mashinani” we had some time ago? Loosely translated from Kiswahili to mean “chess at the grassroots”.
“Chess Mashinani” goes a notch higher when the Kitui Schools Chess Tournament takes place on 1st July 2017 at the Kitui Multi-purpose Hall in Kitui town.
This event is being organised by Mr Samuel Mwimenyi who is a teacher at Mosa Secondary School, Kitui county.Mr Mwimenyi has been involved in chess since 2014 and brings great passion to the game that is so close to his heart.
About 20 schools are expected to participate in this inaugural event which will become an annual event.
Schools that are expected to take part include;
Mosa Secondary
St. Charles Lwanga
St Ursula
St Angela
St. Thomas, Kalawa
St. Benedict, Ikutha
Mosa Secondary School was the venue for the 2017 Kenya National Youth & Cadets Chess Championship – Eastern Region. See story on 2017 KNYCCC – Eastern Edition.