Home Chess News Team Burundi All Set for Batumi Olympiad

Team Burundi All Set for Batumi Olympiad


Team Burundi All Set for Batumi Olympiad

The Burundian Chess Federation has selected it’s team for the forthcoming 2018 Batumi Olympiad.

Poster for the event to select the Burundi team to the 2018 Batumi Olympiad.
Poster for the event to select the Burundi team to the 2018 Batumi Olympiad.

The top players for both the Open and the Ladies team were selected during a tournament held on 15th & 16th June 2018.

Despite having Olympiad slots available the event only attracted 31 players.

Photo from the event. Photo credit FA Duke Micheka.
Photo from the event. Photo credit FA Duke Micheka.

The time control used was a fairly fast rate of 25 minutes plus 10 seconds for each move.  The Olympiad time controls are 90 minutes for the first 40 moves plus 30 minutes for the rest of the moves.  There is also an incremental time of 30 seconds per move from move 1.

Wilfried Ntamatungiro was the clear winner with 5.5 points out of 6 games.  He is rated 1765 played and played on board 1 for Burundi in the 2016 Baku Olympiad.

Final standing with the top 5 players making the Open Team to the 2018 Batumi Olympiad. The top 5 ladies will make the Ladies Team starting with Nathalie Nahimana.
Final standing with the top 5 players making the Open Team to the 2018 Batumi Olympiad. The top 5 ladies will make the Ladies Team starting with Nathalie Nahimana.

FM Paul Ezra Chambers who resides in the USA is Burundi’s highest ranked player who is rated 2154.

Photo from the event. Photo credit FA Duke Micheka.
Photo from the event. Photo credit FA Duke Micheka.
FA Duke Michieka helping Burundian chess with his experience. Duke is also a keen scrabble player.
FA Duke Michieka helping Burundian chess with his experience. Duke is also a keen scrabble player.

One of Kenya’s most experienced arbiters Duke Michieka  was the Chief Arbiter for the event.   Duke has now arbitrated in 5 countries including Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Zambia and Kenya.




Team Togo set for 2018 Batumi Olympiad.

Team Angola set for 2018 Batumi Olympiad.

Team Kenya off to 2018 Batumi Olympiad.

2018 Batumi Chess Olympiad website.