Home Chess News Tanzania Chess League

Tanzania Chess League


Tanzania Chess League

Tanzania Chess League got off to an excellent start with a total of 10 teams taking part.


The ten teams are listed below.

1. Don Bosco Chess Club – Captain Kara Louis.
2. Baker-Tilly – Captain Kailas Bhattbhatt.
3. Kamal Steel – Captain Mussa Mangula.
4. Lake Group – Captain CM Mdoe Yusuf.
5 Specialised Engineers – Captain Ilyas Abdalla
6. H.S Computers – Captain Eng Geoffrey Mwanyika.
7. New Africa Hotel – Captain FM Hemed Mlawa.
8. Flashnet – Captain Rashid Mansoor.
9. Ahead Africa Solutions– Captain Vinod A.P.
10. My World Pre-School – Captain CM Nurdin Hassuji.


The event is run as a Swiss over eight rounds. The time control is the standard Olympiad time. Ninety minutes for the first 40 moves and then 30 minutes plus 30 seconds per move from move one.

New Africa Hotel is the venue for the FIDE rated event which has players playing over five boards.


The prize fund is a modest TZS 1,250,000 (USD 550).

1st Team TZS 500,000
2nd Team TZS 250,000
5 Board Winners TZS 100,000 each
Trophies and medals.

Tanzania now joins Uganda and Kenya who both have very competitive leagues running.

It is interesting to note that Tanzania have taken a novel approach to the league.  They have adapted some of the ideas from the hugely successful Indian Premier League (Indian Premier League website).

Logo of the Indian Premier League.
Logo of the Indian Premier League.

Corporates were invited to register their names by paying an entry fee of TZS 500,000 (USD 250). Players who wished to take part then recorded their interest.

The top 10 ranked players were put into a pool and chosen by lottery for board 1. The next ten players went through the same process for board two until board 5.

The teams would now end up of almost equal strength.



Standings & Results.

Tanzania Chess League website.

Elijah Emojong wins 2017 Tanzania Open.

Arthur Ssegwanyi wins 2016 Tanzania Open.

Arthur Emojong wins 2015 Tanzania Open.