Home Chess News The Zabasajja Memorial

The Zabasajja Memorial


The Zabasajja Memorial

The Zabassajja Memorial is one of Uganda’s most popular annual events. It is held in memory of the legendary Willy Zabasajja.

This year’s edition had just over 70 players. The dates were 7th to10th March 2019 at the magnificent Nob View Hotel in downtown Kampala.

Four players tied for the first position with 6.5 points each. Michael Mawanda, IM Arthur Ssegwanyi, CM Bob Bibasa and FM Patrick Kawuma were the four players.

mukose vs IM Arthur ssegwanyi

Mawanda was declared the winner as he had a higher tie break. Michael Mawanda (1918) was ranked 11th at the start of the event

Mohammed Farah vs WFM Goretti Anglokin(Uganda)

WFM Peninah Nakabo was the top lady player. She obtained an impressive 5.5 points to end up in 9th position on the listing.

Willy Zabasajja

Zabasajja was one of the most influential chess players Uganda has ever produced. He won nine national chess championship titles during his time! Willy was also the first Ugandan to attain the FIDE Master title after stunning displays at the World Chess Olympiad. He played in 8 Olympiads (1980-1992, 1996).

Willy Zabasajja died at the relatively young age of 40 after he failed to recover from a stroke in December 2006.

Simon Le Blancq v Willy Zabasajja


Standings & Results of 2019 Willy Zabasajja Memorial.