Matthew Kanegeni holds GM to a draw.
Matthew Kanegeni dug deep into his reserves when he held GM Essam El Gindy to an exciting draw yesterday. GM Elgindy is one of Egypt’s top players and was the coach to the Botswana team at the 2018 Batumi Olympiad. GM El Gindy rating is 2443 while Kanegeni is at 1975 almost 470 Elo points below!

Peter Gilruth of Kenya defeated Emmanuel Mwaisumbe of Tanzania. Mehul Gohil also played well when he defeated a stubborn Ragul Pillay of Seychelles. Vasanth Ramesh and Elvis Likoko, both of Kenya, lost to IM Arthur Ssegwanyi & CM Bob Bibasa respectively.

GM Adly Ahmed easily won his round 1 encounter against Mahamed Yousuf Omer of Djibouti.

Ladies Section
There were some major upsets in the Ladies section. WFM Ivy Amoko who was top seed lost to compatriot WCM Ampaire Shakira. WCM Dericka Figaro of Seychelles played well when she defeated Egyptian star WFM Sohyla Abdelmenaem.
Kenya had a tough day in round one.
Peninah Nakabo defeated Kenya National Ladies Champion Gloria Jumba. WFM Goretti Agolikin defeated Kenyan star WFM Sasha Mongeli.
WCM Joyce Nyaruai easily defeated Jamal Rawan of Sudan.