Home Chess News Major upsets at the 2019 Tanzania Open

Major upsets at the 2019 Tanzania Open


Major upsets at 2019 Tanzania Open

Major upsets were the order on the first day of the 2019 Tanzania Open.

Anthony Kionga of Kenya caused the first upset of the day.  He demolished the feared FM Harold Wanyama of Uganda in round 1 in just nineteen moves!

One of the major upsets at 2019 Tanzania Open. Anthony Kionga of Kenya (left) takes on FM Harold Wanyama of Uganda. Photo credit IA Duke Michieka.
One of the major upsets at 2019 Tanzania Open. Anthony Kionga of Kenya (left) takes on FM Harold Wanyama of Uganda. Photo credit IA Duke Michieka.

FM Haruna Nsubuga of Uganda who was second seed was the next casualty of the day.  He was defeated by Albert Njau of Tanzania.

Jackson Kamau who is one of Kenya’s top players was another victim in round 2.  He lost to Musa Mangula of Tanzania.

The event has a total of just under 75 players taking part.

Twenty-three players are taking part in the Open section. The U14 and U9 sections each have 25 players.

The playing hall. Photo credit IA Duke Michieka.
The playing hall. Photo credit IA Duke Michieka.

Countries represented include Poland, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya and host Tanzania.

The prize fund is an impressive TZS 2,300,000 (USD 1,000). The winner will go home with TZS 700,000 (USD 300).

Poster for the 2019 Tanzania Open.
Poster for the 2019 Tanzania Open.

Past winners

2018 – Event not held

2017 – IM Elijah Emojong (Uganda)

2016 – IM Arthur Ssegwanyi (Uganda)

2015 – IM Elijah Emojong (Uganda)


Standings & Results of 2019 Tanzania Open.

Further details for the 2019 Tanzania Open.

PGNs of round 1 and 2.

IM Elijah Emojong wins 2017 Tanzania Open.

Preview of 2017 Tanzania Open.

IM Arthur Ssegwanyi wins 2016 Tanzania Open.

Preview of the 2016 Tanzania Open.

IM Elijah Emojong wins 2015 Tanzania Open.

Preview of the 2015 Tanzania Open.