Home Chess News 2021 Kenya Chess Championship – Day 4

2021 Kenya Chess Championship – Day 4


2021 Kenya Chess Championship – Day 3

Today was all about surviving.

Round 7

I got a good position against Martin Njoroge. It was semi-cruise control. Then I lost control of the position with a badly judged pseudo-breakthrough pawn move (f4?). I totally underestimated the dynamics of letting Martin’s light-squared bishop out of ‘Covid-containment’. This constitutes the worst OTB decision I have made in this tournament so far.

Martin Njoroge (left) and Mehul Gohil in their round seven encounter of the 2021 Kenya Chess Championship which ended in a draw
Martin Njoroge (left) and Mehul Gohil in their round seven encounter of the 2021 Kenya Chess Championship which ended in a draw

Despite being the exchange up, I could make no headway, and if anything, I could have ended up in big big trouble. As it was, I managed to save my ass with a well-calculated sequence in the rook endgame.

The only problem is that Martin Njoroge made a dubious decision with his Rc2. I was already in the ‘agree draw’ mindset as I had experienced one too many dangerous adventures in this game. I completely failed to realise that the endgame was won for me!

See the position below…from Black’s point of view. All I had to do was play 58……. Kf6! (I did not see it at all…I was not even looking for it…I was just looking to end the anxiety with a draw). {if White then queens 59 g8=Q then Rh3 is mate! – Editor}.  This gives one vital tempo for the black King to approach and support the advanced black pawns; the black Rook is ready to sacrifice itself for the white Pawn. Draw.

Position after 58. Kh7
Position after 58. Kh7
Njoroge Martin v Mehul Gohil

Round 8

I totally manhandled Hillary Sagwa. He didn’t have a chance.

So for me, it is actually mission accomplished. I had set myself the target of playing good chess and finishing with a respectable result. Even if I lose tomorrow, I am guaranteed 3rd prize at worst. If I get anything more than that, it will be a welcome bonus.

Hillary Sagwa in action.
Hillary Sagwa in action.

It should be a very big game vs CM Ben Magana tomorrow in the final round.

Looking forward to it.

Mehul Gohil v Hillary Sagwa


Day 4 report on the 2021 Kenya National Chess Championship by Mehul Gohil.

Day 2 Report on the 2021 Kenya National Chess Championship by Mehul Gohil.

Zadock Nyakundi holds CM Ben Magana to a draw in round one of the 2021 Kenya National Chess Championship.

Preview of The Kenya Chess Championship 2021.

2021 Kenya National Chess Championship on chess-results.com

Who will win the 2021 Kenya National Championship by Mehul Gohil.

Standings & Results of the 2019 Kenya National

2019 Kenya National Chess Championship Day 4.

PGNs for Open Section rounds 1 to 9.

PGNs for Ladies Section rounds 1 to 9.

2019 Kenya National Chess Championship Day 3.

2019 Kenya National Chess Championship -Rules & Regulations.

Video of Closing Ceremony 2018 Kenya National Chess Championship.

Day 4 – 2018 Kenya National Chess Championship.

Day 3 – 2018 Kenya National Chess Championship.

2018 Kenya National Chess Championship standings and results.

Day 2 – 2018 Kenya National Chess Championship.

Day 1 – 2018 Kenya National Chess Championship.