Home Chess News EA Open Chess Tournament – Day 3 Report

EA Open Chess Tournament – Day 3 Report


EA Open Chess Tournament – Day 3 Report

In round five, the front runner and top seed FM Harold Wanyama lost to Limbikani Chitundu from Zambia but resident in Kenya.

Limbikani Chitundu in action at the EA Open Chess tournament.
Limbikani Chitundu in action at the EA Open Chess tournament.
Chtintundu Limbikani v FM Harold Wanyama

The other major upset was when WCM Joyce Nyaruai defeated Michael Mawanda of Uganda on board four in round five.

WCM Joyce Nyaruai v Michael Mawanda

WCM Joyce Nyaruai in action.
WCM Joyce Nyaruai in action.

CM Ben Magana defeated Brian Irungu on board two, while on board 3, Joseph Methu dismissed Ben Nguku.

CM Ben Magana v Brian Irungu

FM Harold Wanyama managed to recover in round six with a victory over Joseph Methu, while CM Ben Magana defeated Limbikani Chtitundu. Both FM Harold Wanyama and CM Ben Magana now lead the event with five points each.

Joseph Methu v FM Harold Wanyama

FM Harold Wanyama (left) playing against Joseph Methu.
FM Harold Wanyama (left) playing against Joseph Methu.
Chitundu Limbikani v CM Ben Magana

CM Ben Magana playing Limbikani Chitundu in round six.
CM Ben Magana playing Limbikani Chitundu in round six.

U1800 section

In the U1800 section, Joseph Maigua leads with 5.5 points after defeating Martin Kagiri in round five and Paul Ombui in round 6.

U1600 section

Christian Nderi, Moses Bejon and Kelvin Kamau Ngigi lead with 5 points each.  

All photo credits – Eastmond Mwenda


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