2022 FIDE World Amateur Championship
The event, which ran from the 20th to the 30th of October, saw 197 players from 51 federations competing in three categories. The categories included U1700, U2000, and U2300 in the Open and Women sections. All the competitions were 9-round Swiss tournaments with classical time control.The prize fund was increased to €15,000 – from €10,000 last year.

Kenyan players
Glenda Madelta, the defending World Ladies U1700 Champion, failed to travel after failing to secure her visa. For some strange reason, the Austrian Embassy in Nairobi ignored that the organisers fully catered for Glenda Madelta’s total travel costs as defending champion.
Zayan Zamir was the sole Kenyan representative at the event. He scored a respectable five points out of nine rounds, scooping a massive 144 Elo points on the way.
In round six, Zayan Zamir had a miraculous escape in his encounter against Mielke Torsten.

African players

Interesting chess facts about Maltese chess
The Malta Chess Federation was established in 1923 and will mark its 100th anniversary next year.
Malta first participated in the 1960 Olympiad. Their next Olympiad was in 1970, and they have taken part in all the Olympiads except for 1976 & 1978.
Malta organised the 1980 Chess Olympiad which Kenya won a silver medal thanks to the exploits of Saif Kanani. No other Kenyan has ever managed to win a medal at any Olympiad.

Interesting chess facts about Malta
Malta is an archipelago between Sicily and the North African coast in the central Mediterranean. It’s a nation known for historic sites related to a succession of rulers, including the Romans, Moors, Knights of Saint John, French and British.

The capital of Malta is Valletta, a fortified and walled city perched on the edge of a peninsula that juts out into the Mediterranean Sea.
Malta gained independence from the UK in 1964, after 160 years of British rule.
Out of 236 countries, Malta ranks 204th in size and the smallest in the European Union.
Malta has a population of just over 425,384
At just 17 miles wide, the tiny island of Malta is easy to explore, and you get from one end of the island to the other within minutes! The total land area is 316 km2

The official languages are Maltese, English, and Maltese Sign Language.
King George VI of England awarded Malta the George Cross for its bravery during the Axis Siege in the Second World War. To this day, the George Cross appears on the national flag.

Medal Winners of the 2022 FIDE World Amateur Chess Championships per category.
Margadgua Erdenebayar GOLD Mongolia
Alipbek Arailym SILVER Kazakhstan
Amulya Guruprasad BRONZE India
Tuguldur Soninbayar GOLD Mongolia
Martynov Aleksandr SILVER FIDE
Farhaan M BRONZE India
Baliuniene Margarita GOLD Lithuania
Montiel Caceres Helen SILVER Paraguay
Andrzejewska Anna BRONZE Poland
Sodbilegt Naranbold GOLD Mongolia
Hurtado Bahamonde Matias SILVER Chile
Alashtar Aasef BRONZE. France
Grigoryan Meri GOLD England
Gorozhankina Julia SILVER Latvia
Kordzadze Nino BRONZE Austria
Abdilkhair Abilmansur GOLD Kazakhstan
Bigabylov Zhuban SILVER Kazakhstan
Becerra Juan David BRONZE Colombia

2022 World Amateur Chess Championship Website.
2022 World Amateur Chess Championship on chess-results.com.
Madelta Glenda crowned World Women’s Amateur Chess Champion.
Round 1 report on the 2021 World Amateur Chess Championship.
WCM Joyce Ndirangu grabs the lead at the World Amateur Chess Championship.
Madelta Glenda grabs the lead at the 2021 World Amateur Chess Championship.
Madelta Glenda retains the lead at the 2021 World Amateur Chess Championship.
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Article by Kenya Chess Masala.