Home Chess News 2017 Zone 4.2 Individual Chess Championship – Day 3

2017 Zone 4.2 Individual Chess Championship – Day 3


Kenya’s Peter Gilruth (2186) held the top seeded and tournament favourite Egyptian GM Essam El Gindy (2448) to a draw in the 3rd round of the Zone 4.2 African Individual Chess Championship currently underway in Jimma, Ethiopia.

There was a loud cheer on social media to celebrate this amazing result from Kenya’s highest ranked player.  The cheerful and ever helpful Peter Gilruth has a number of victories in many Kenyan events which includes the 58th Nairobi Chess Club Championship held in August 2016 and the 5th Capablanca Cup held in February 2015.

I think the photo below illustrates the mind set of the two contestants at the start of their game.

“Simba wa Kenya” aka Peter Gilruth concentrates in equal measure against GM Essam El Gindy of Egypt at the start of their game. Photo credit Sandhya Deshpande.

We now present the 73 move game which must have caused great apprehension in the Egyptian camp who are used to getting podium spots in Zone 4.2 events by being the top nation in the group.  Game annotated by Mehul Gohil.



Ricky Sang of Kenya patiently waits for his opponent. Photo credit Sandhya Deshpande.

In other news Ricky Sang of Kenya defeated Teshome Bekele Geleta of Ethiopia, while Sumit Deshpande and Vasanth Ramesh both lost their games to Yirga Mituku of Ethiopia and FM Nadir Samir of Sudan respectively.

WFM Sanjana Deshpande (left) at the start of her game against Ivy Amoko of Uganda. Photo credit Sandhya Deshpande.

In the Women’s section WFM Sanjana Deshpande lost to Ivy Amoko of Uganda while Gwen Jumba defeated Peninah Nannozi of Uganda.