Home Chess book A tribute to GM Tigran Petrosian

A tribute to GM Tigran Petrosian


A tribute to GM Tigran Petrosian

I consider myself lucky to have the book “Tigran Petrosian – his life and games” by Vik L Vasilev and printed by Batsford.

Cover of the book Tigran Petrosian - his life and games.
Cover of the book Tigran Petrosian – his life and games.

This book is still available on Amazon or ebay for around USD 25 before postage.

First page!
First page!

The book has many fine games and a fair amount of biographical details and a number of fine photographs.  The only problem with this book is the cumbersome descriptive notation.

Some fine photos. Look at Bobby Fischer's glare!
Some fine photos. Look at Bobby Fischer’s glare!
Sample page with a game and the analysis.
Sample page with a game and the analysis.
Sample page
Sample page

I bring you a sample of two interesting games from the book.

Tigran Petrosian v Boris Spassky

Petrosian v Spassky 10th game match 1966 after move 30 Qh8+!
Petrosian v Spassky 10th game match 1966 after move 30 Qh8+!

See another game with a very similar position.

Petrosian v Simagin 1956 Moscow Championship after move 46. Qh8+
Petrosian v Simagin 1956 Moscow Championship after move 46. Qh8+

The similarities are amazing and here is the full game for you to review.

Tigran Petrosian v Vladimir Simagin

His pet name was ‘Iron Tigran‘ due to his almost impenetrable defensive playing style.  I am not sure if that name was correct as after going through his book I found a number of games which he won with great attacking skills.


Tigran Petrosian – a caricature and a game!