Home Chess News Vladislav Artemiev Becomes New Champion of Russia

Vladislav Artemiev Becomes New Champion of Russia


Vladislav Artemiev Becomes New Champion of Russia

Vladislav Artemiev is the 2023 Russian Chess Champion. He won the 76th Russian championship, which ended last week at Tsarskoe Selo State Museum and Heritage Site in Saint Petersburg. He scored 8.5 points out of the 11-round contest to claim his first Russian title.

GM Vladislav Artemiev.
GM Vladislav Artemiev.

Baira Kovanova, on the other hand, scored 8 points out of 11 rounds to claim the Women’s title in the 73rd Russian women’s championship.

Baira Kovanova
WGM Baira Kovanova.

What was of interest this year was the fact that the Open section had two ladies, Kateryna Lagno and Aleksandra Goryakina, taking part in this historic and iconic event.

Aleksandra Goryakina
Aleksandra Goryakina.
Kateryna Lagno
Kateryna Lagno.




















As usual, the Russian Chess Federation organised a grand opening ceremony at the Tsarskoe Selo State Museum.

Tsarskoe Selo (‘Tsar’s Village’) is a town containing a former Russian imperial family residence and visiting nobility 24 kilometres south of the centre of Saint Petersburg.

Other details

The Russia Championship or (Superfinals) have been co-organised by the Chess Federation of Russia.  Other supporters include the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, the Timchenko Foundation, and the Tsarskoe Selo State Museum and Heritage Site. The St. Petersburg Committee for Physical Culture and Sport, the St. Petersburg Committee for Foreign Relations, and the St. Petersburg Sports Chess Federation are the others involved in the organisation of the event.

The Chess Federation’s Russian partners are Aeroflot & PhosAgro.

Photos by Vladimir Barsky  & Eteri Kublashvili.

Mariya Yakimova
Mariya Yakimova.

Proud winners Vladislav Artemiev and Baira Kovanova.
Proud winners Vladislav Artemiev and Baira Kovanova.

Final standing – Open Section

Final standings – Ladies Section


Russian Superchampionship on chess-results.com.

Official website of the Russian Superchampionship.

Games Open Section on lichess.org.

Games Women’s Section on lichess.org.

Official website of the Russian Chess Federation.

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74th Russian Superfinals & 71st Russian Women’s Championship.

74th Russian Superfinals & 71st Russian Women’s Championship.

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